Sales Rep How to Guide
1.Invitation mail

You will receive an invitation email from Bogart Man:

Once you have logged in you will see your dashboard
In your dashboard you will have access to your Commission summery, your affiliate links and profile settings.
2.How do I change my passwords?
Log in to your dashboard. On the top right hand corner of the screen you will see your name with a drop down.
In the dropdown select settings, here you can update your password.
3.How do I get my Checkout Code?
You will receive an email from one of the Best web design team members:
Hello, You have been added as a sales representative for Bogart Man.
Here is your unique Code(293) to use at checkout.
To create a password and view your commissions, please visit this link.
4.How do I get my Unique discount code?
You will receive an email from one of the Best web design team members that will look something like this:
Hello, You have been added as a sales representative for Bogart Man.
Here is your unique Discount code (GP/BW/612) to use at checkout.
To create a password and view your commissions, please visit this link.
Please note if you have not yet received your discount code it is because the discount needs to be approved by head office before it can be allocated to the relevant sales representative for Bogart Man.
5.How are my sales tracked?
Their are 3 main ways each sales representative for Bogart Man sales are tracked:
- Checkout Code
- Unique Discount Code
- Affiliate Link
6.How do I use the Checkout Code?
When the customer is ready to make a purchase simply provide the customer with your 3 digit checkout code that the customer can add at checkout as seen below:
When the customer uses your checkout code that sale is then assigned to you and the commissions will reflect accordingly.
7.How do I use the Unique Discount Code?
When the customer is ready to make a purchase simply provide the customer with your Unique Discount Code that the customer can add at checkout as seen below:
When the customer uses your Unique Discount Code that sale is then assigned to you and the commissions will reflect accordingly.
Please note if you have not yet received your discount code it is because the discount needs to be approved by head office before it can be allocated to the relevant sales representative for Bogart Man.
8.How do I use my Affiliate Link?
There are a several ways in which you can utilize your affiliate link. Please see video below on how affiliate links work and where you can find and modify your affiliate link.
8.1 What Are Affiliate Links?
Affiliate links are exclusive URLs used to track the traffic sent from you to the Bogart Man website. Each Sales rep has their own individualized URLs, which contain specific identifiers such as a randomized series of numbers and letters, your username, or other means of identification.
8.2 Ways to Promote Affiliate Links
8.2.1 Emails
We will be sending out a separate email campaign to all of you monthly.
These emails will contain new arrival products as well as promotions during the month. This insight will put you in the driver’s seat and equip you with the tools you need to promote the right products to your loyal customers.
8.2.2 WhatsApp affiliate
In your store’s individual WhatsApp group which you created you can share product links as well as your affiliate code to give the customer discount and direction. Should a customer contact you on this WhatsApp group, all you need to provide him is the product link (which can be found on the site) and provide them with a discount code (Affiliate code) or your personal Check-out code to garner the sale.
8.2.3 Affiliate Links on Facebook
Another place to distribute your affiliate links is on Facebook via your personal profile or a Business page.
Ensure that you’re not spamming your followers’ Facebook feeds with affiliate link posts. Your goal is to convince someone to click on your affiliate links and make a purchase. Do so by posting entertaining, educational, and intriguing content that includes affiliate links.
8.2.4 Instagram Affiliate Links
Much like promoting affiliate links on Facebook, you can also generate affiliate traffic from your Instagram posts. However, Instagram has one major exception: Instagram posts are not clickable.
Instead, you must drive fans to your bio to click on a link.
A workaround to this problem is to include links in Instagram Stories. Once you gain more than 10k followers, you can add links to your Instagram Stories content.
If selling on Instagram is a priority, make it a point to first build a loyal audience. These loyal followers will be more likely to click on your affiliate links, whether in the bio or Instagram Stories and engage with your content.
8.2.5 Pinterest Affiliate Links
Since Pinterest is a visual social media platform, you have several opportunities to drive traffic to your affiliate links, especially those which promote physical products.
For the best results, create pins and boards around a particular product. Or, you can include a pin with your affiliate link in a board focused on a broader topic.
For example, if you are an affiliate marketer, create a Pinterest board around fashion tips, ideas, and visual representation. Within that board, make sure to include one or two pins that use your affiliate links.
Test out both tactics and see which one drives the best results by checking your affiliate dashboard as well as Pinterest Analytics should you wish to take this route.
8.2.6 Twitter Affiliate Links
Using affiliate links on Twitter involves a bit of wordplay. Since you only have 280 characters to convince someone to click on your affiliate link, you need to be precise and creative. Experiment with different formulas of copywriting and see which method drives the most affiliate link clicks.
You can also pair your social media copy and links with an image or video to create more intriguing content for your target audience.
However, most affiliate marketers use Twitter to generate traffic to their website and blog content. From there, they use other tactics we’ve reviewed to entice users to click on the embedded affiliate links.
8.3 How to Disclose Your Affiliate Links
As an affiliate marketer, you are required to disclose your involvement in any affiliate programs. An example of a proper affiliate link disclosure at the top of a social media post could read:
“As a sales affiliate of Bogart Man, my content may include affiliate links from Bogart Man. I may earn money from actions users take on these links, such as a click, purchases, or subscribers. However, these are the tools that I recommend fully.”
On your dedicated affiliate disclosure marketing page, be sure to list which affiliate programs you are involved with and details about that partnership for the ultimate transparency.
Check out these examples for inspiration.
If you do not include an affiliate link disclosure, you risk violating ICP policies and potentially facing a fine. In addition, affiliate advertisers have the power to remove you from their programs if you fail to disclose your participation appropriately online.
9.How do I log in to my Affiliate Dashboard?
You can either log in via the invitation mail link or via the Main Menu > Home > Careers > Affiliate